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Commercial & Residential Property Transactions in Thompson

Purchasing property, whether it is a residential condo or a commercial investment property in Thompson, is one of the biggest purchases most people will make in their life. You should remember that the broker handling the transaction is representing the seller, not the buyer. Therefore, as the buyer, you should retain the services of a real estate lawyer to make sure your interests are protected.  A Thompson commercial real estate attorney will be well versed in the purchase of commercial real estate. A Thompson residential real estate lawyer will be experienced in the purchase of homes. 


Our law firm is experienced in handling both types of transactions and can help you to make sure that the title documents and all related documentation are in order. We can attend the real estate closing in Thompson or wherever it is scheduled in Wisconsin to make sure all of the documents are properly signed and the purchase concludes in an orderly fashion.


In the event you already own a home, we can help with a review of any loan modification documents in the event you have a need to revise your original loan. Our loan modification attorneys are professionals in this area as well.


If you are a landlord who rents to tenants in Thompson, our landlord attorneys can make sure that your residential lease agreements are in compliance with WI state laws. There were recent changes to the landlord tenant laws in WI and you should make sure that your lease agreement reflects all of these changes. In addition, we have experience with Wisconsin tenant rights. If you are a tenant who is having a dispute with a landlord, we can help. Do not hesitate to contact our law firm for advice concerning any real estate purchase in Thompson.

Lawyers for Commercial & Residential Property / Real Estate Transactions near Thompson, WI